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WINTER LIGHT and the Dumb Things We Do as Kids

Writer's picture: marthaengbermarthaengber

In WINTER LIGHT, March of 1979 is a pivotal month for 16-year-old Mary Donahue of suburban Chicago. Something big happens to her that will change the course of her life. An event that catches her off guard and that's partly her fault and partly not.

The kind of things that happen to all of us at the Age of Invincibility many escape, and sadly, that some do not.

I’ve often thought I’m lucky to have survived the dumb things I did as an adolescent who couldn’t yet fathom the idea of dying.

Anyone else feel like that?

And PS: I'm working hard on the final draft of the sequel, SCATTERED LIGHT, due out Nov. 25, 2024. Mary, like all of us, learns that what we do in our past comes can come back to haunt us.


For updates about Martha’s forthcoming books, news and giveaways, subscribe to her website:

BLISS ROAD, a memoir


GROWING GREAT CHARACTERS, a resource for writers

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