Oh, no! I missed Dine Over Your Kitchen Sink Day on Nov. 26!
That's right, in 1991, “while he was standing at the sink using potato chips to spoon tuna salad into his mouth,” Norm Hankoff came up with the idea for International Association of People Who Dine Over the Kitchen Sink.
A few years later he came up with The Official Sinkies Don't Cook Book that includes such delicacies as “cakeless frosting” and “a handful of mashed potatoes” and “chocolate cake in a glass of milk.”
At some point Norm established a website and designated the day after America’s Thanksgiving as Dine Over Your Kitchen Sink Day.
So if you love to eat leftovers over your sink while…
standing in front of an open fridge
drinking milk from a carton
dashboard dining in a car
having a desk lunch of M&Ms and Diet Pepsi from the vending machines in the break room
…you could be a sinkie, too!
Are you?
I’m not. Standing over my sink would draw attention to other chores I have to do (clean the sink, unload the dishwasher, sweep the floor…).
Sadly, I’m not sure if Norm is still alive. I found a LinkedIn address for him that includes his college dates — San Francisco State University from 1955 - 57 — which would make him an old dude. I also found a 2020 death notice of a Norman Hankoff, 86, from the Carson City/Reno area.
If you know what happened to him, let me know!
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