In keeping with Monday’s post about solitude, today I’m writing about a book I loved: Quiet: the Power of Introverts in a World That Doesn’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.
Written in 2013, the book made being an introvert trendy, which is somewhat amusing. The book is really meant to help introverts embrace their inner quiet in order to think about and enact big ideas, rather than feeling the need to be showy.
Which leads to today’s question: How do you like to deal with big ideas? By hashing them out with others, or thinking about them by yourself?
While I acknowledge — and rely on — feedback from others, I’m definitely in the latter group.
For updates about Martha’s forthcoming memoir, “Bliss Road” (June 2023), historical novel, “The Falcon, the Wolf and the Hummingbird” (October 2023), or other books, news and giveaways, subscribe to her website.