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Boundless Creativity: A Spiritual Workbook for Overcoming Self-Doubt, Emotional Traps and Other Crea

Writer: marthaengbermarthaengber

Purchase on Martha’s website

I want to give a shout-out to my friend and fellow writer, Martha Alderson, who today releases her new workbook designed to help all of us creatives learn ways to deal with those significant humps that accompany every project.

As Martha writes on her website:

Boundless Creativity is a transformational guide that incorporates a powerful technique called “The Universal Story”. The Universal Story is a four-phase program with easy-to-follow steps and exercises. Using the Universal Story, you learn to identify and dissolve the emotional and energetic blocks that create self-doubt and get in the way of your creativity. These tips and tools give you the keys to unlock creative imagination, inspiration and intuition. As a result, you’ll see yourself and the world in new ways —with acceptance, emotional balance, and a tolerance of imperfection.

I haven’t completed a creative project yet that hasn’t had at least a few hair-raising, doubt-laden, wish-I-could-give-up moments. Martha’s book is written by a creative for creatives to help us discern what’s important and what’s not.

Because the long and short of it is, we need more art in this currently bad-news world! Art enlightens and elevates us all. So if you’ve got a story, but are having trouble telling it, consider purchasing Martha’s book. And check out her inclusion in a recent Forbes magazine article, How to Lift Your Mood in Troubling Times.

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